RFP# 24/21/P - Park Amenities Design for SWAN Park - Phase II | City of Santa Fe
Bid Number: RFP# 24/21/P
Status: Open
Open Date: 10/26/2023 Close Date: 11/28/2023 3:00pm

Project Manager
Scott Overlie


Proposal Submission Information

See Attached


The purpose of the Request for Proposals (RFP) is to solicit sealed proposals to establish a contract through competitive negotiations for the procurement of design for five (5) park amenities within the Southwest Activity Node (SWAN) Park facility.  The five amenities are: creation of trailheads to existing trails within the park, water play feature, community garden, dog park and multi-sport recreation field(s).

RFP_24.21.P_SWAN_Park_-_Amenities_Design_Final_w_._signed_PSA_.pdf 2.0MB

RFO# 24/21/P Q&A's 516KB