Project Manager
Jackie Henley
Proposal Submission Information
City of Santa Fe Purchasing Office purchasing@santafenm.govDescription
The City of Santa Fe’s Finance Department and the information Technology department currently utilizes Ciber Pathway Inc (CPI) for consultation services and expertise with the Tyler Munis system in both the Financials and HCM Payroll modules that is a unique skill set. CPI began contracting with the City's ERP team as a service consultant in 2019 to assist with the City's transition from their prior financial management database system to the Tyler Munis system. CPI has continued to provide the unique consultation services for Tyler Munis, which has positioned CPI to understand the multiple modules that have been developed to date, and therefore perform additional analysis, test, and configuration changes with module leads to ensure that configuration changes are not negatively impacting other modules. CPI's uniqueness, overall unique familiarity and success with the transition, implementation and configuration of the new Tyler Munis system has proven to be substantial for the intended sole source contract requested.
Ciber Pathway 2.2MB