The City of Santa Fe (City) has contracted yearly with State of New Mexico Tourism Department (NMTD) through the New Mexico "Litter Control and Beautification Act," NMSA 1978, 67-16-1 et seq. (the act). Keep Santa Fe Beautiful, Inc. (KSFB) since the 1980's as an affiliate of Keep America Beautiful, manages the grant funding for the City. The Contract between the City and NMTD requires the City to provide 25% of in kind funding, this is partly accomplished by providing staff, office, and a vehicle to support planning and executing programs and events. The requested $10,000.00 compensation will assist maintaining this valuable service. The Environmental Services Division (ESD) is home to the KSFB program. ESD's Environmental Programs Manager acts in a capacity similar to an Executive Director for the non-profit; and also oversees the Graffiti Abatement team.
In previous years, the annual grant contract/agreement with the State of New Mexico has served as only formal agreement between the City and KSFB. Without a formal agreement that speaks to expectations for both the City and the non-profit, we have found that inconsistencies have existed in executing by-laws and ensuring appropriate Board practices. This oversights speak to a lack of formally expressed contractual expectations on the City's behalf.