Project Manager
Bobbi Huseman
Proposal Submission Information
Based on the above facts, the City of Santa Fe Purchasing Officer has made the determination that the justification for a Sole Source procurement is in accordance with the State Procurement Code, Section 13-1-126 Sole source procurement., NMSA 1978 and shall be posted for a 30-day period prior to award. SUBMIT Protest for Review to: Purchasing@santafenm.govDescription
Due to several high priority airport projects, the division is requesting to issue a Sole Source contract with Molzen Corbin. The high priority projects include the completion of the Airport Terminal and Parking Lot Expansion, the FAA grant closeouts to Taxiway D (Grant 49) and Taxiway G (Grants 52/53), the completion of the ILS closeout for RSA 02 grading project (Grant 54) and the recent project of design/construction of the midfield emergency project where the pavement is starting to fail. There are two NMDOTAD grants in the midst of being accepted and once those are signed, design should be in place.
Sole Source - Airport - Completion of Airport Terminal and Parking Lot Expansion 247KB