Compost is now available for purchase. (effective October 6, 2015).
Where: 73 Paseo Real, Santa Fe, NM 87507 - (Map)
Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. weekdays
Contact: (505) 955-4650
Santa Fe Biosolids Compost
Compost is made from biosolids (nitrogen) from the City's Wastewater Treatment Plant, some horse bedding, and pulverized green waste (carbon) from the Caja del Rio Landfill.
Types of Compost and Price
Screened Compost - This is compost that has gone through a 1/2-inch screen. This type of compost is good for planting and works well when mixed with soil.
Price: $11.50 / cubic yard*
Unscreened Compost - This is compost that still has the larger wood chips mixed in. This type of compost is good for erosion control.
Price: $9.00 / cubic yard*
Compost Overs - Compost Overs are larger-in-size wood chips that don't pass through the 1/2-inch screen during the screening process. Overs can be used for landscaping and at the base of trees and shrubs to keep moisture in.
Price: $6.00 / cubic yard*
*1 cubic yard - 27 cubic feet (3x3x3)
Multiple Loads and Minimum Purchase
Multiple loads may be purchased at one time and picked up as needed.
Customers must purchase no less than 1 full cubic yard. Customers are required to cover the compost for transport. (Please bring a tarp.)
Methods of Payment
Pay by cash, check, or credit card at:
Water Division, 801 West San Mateo, (Map)
City Hall, Cashier, 200 Lincoln Avenue, (Map)
Pay by credit card or charge to your City of Santa Fe Utility account (excluding accounts that are solely reclaimed water accounts) at:
Wastewater Treatment Plant, 73 Paseo Real (Map)