Water System Improvement Projects

Proactive, regular maintenance keeps our infrastructure and equipment operating reliably and at peak performance. An asset management plan dictates the timing and planning of individual projects to maintain (or improve) the water system. According to the EPA, asset management is “a process water and wastewater utilities can use to make sure that planned maintenance can be conducted and capital assets (pumps, motors, pipes, etc.) can be repaired, replaced, or upgraded on time and that there is enough money to pay for it.”

Asset management helps us determine which projects are most critical—or will be in the future—so that we can efficiently use our budget and keep the system running smoothly. Other higher-level planning projects include a Comprehensive Performance Evaluation (CPE) for the Canyon Road Water Treatment Plant and a master plan. Master plans to go beyond just drinking water and are used to create a system-wide strategy to integrate water supplies, wastewater, and reuse to meet future needs.

Projects that are under construction or currently being designed are listed below.

Water System Improvement Projects – Construction
  • Siler Road Water Main Replacement
  • La Paz Subdivision Water Main Replacement
  • Pressure Reducing Valve (PRV) Station Rehabilitation
Water System Improvement Projects – Design
  • Buckman Booster Stations 3 & 4 Rehabilitation
  • CRWTP Raw Water Pipeline Replacement
  • St. Michaels Well Replacement
  • San Juan-Chama Return Flow Pipeline
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