Project Manager
John Del Mar
Proposal Submission Information
City of Santa Fe Purchasing Office purchasing_rfp@santafenm.govDescription
The purpose of the Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit sealed proposals to establish a contract through competitive negotiations for the procurement of the Engineering and Design for the San Juan Chama project return flow pipeline (referred to herein as the “Project”). B. BACKGROUND INFORMATION The City of Santa Fe (the “City”) Water Division’s mission is to provide a safe, reliable, and resilient water supply to meet Santa Fe’s needs. The City manages four supplies derived from surface water (Santa Fe River and Rio Grande via the Buckman Direct Diversion [BDD]) and groundwater (City and Buckman well fields) sources. Details on the City’s water supply portfolio, production records, future projected demands, and framework of its distribution system are presented in the Water Transmission and Storage System Master Plan (2009), Long-Range Water Supply Plan (2008), Santa Fe Basin Study (2015), and Annual Water Report (2019). These reports are available on the City of Santa Fe Water website ( The Santa Fe Basin Study (2015) projects shortages between 6000 and 9000 Acre-Feet per Year (AFY) by the 2050s without changes to projected supply and/or demand. The Santa Fe Water Reuse Feasibility Study (2017) evaluated 7 potential additional sources of water supply and concluded that a return flow pipeline from the Paseo Real Water Reclamation Facility (PRWRF, also referred to as the Paseo Real Wastewater Treatment Plant) to the Rio Grande is the best opportunity for an additional water supply based on economic, social, environmental, and technical evaluation criteria. The 2013 Reclaimed Water Reuse Plan and the Santa Fe Basin Study (2015) also reinforced the value of expanding water reuse in Santa Fe via return flows to the Rio Grande. The return flow pipeline will allow the city to fully consume San Juan-Chama Project (SJCP) water rights by returning highly treated unconsumed SJCP effluent to the Rio Grande for use by downstream SJCP users and subsequent upstream exchange, or credits for additional diversion to the BDD facility.
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