Legal Services for Buckman Direct Diversion Board (BDDB) - 23/29/P | City of Santa Fe
Bid Number: 23/29/P
Status: Open
Open Date: 12/20/2022 Close Date: 01/17/2023 3:00pm

Project Manager
Monique Maes, Procurement Manager


Proposal Submission Information

See Solicitation Information.


The purpose of the Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit sealed proposals to establish a contract through competitive negotiations for the procurement of qualified, licensed, full-service, Law Firms to represent the Buckman Direct Diversion Board (“the Board/BDDB”) in legal matters and litigation; provide legal services and support to the BDD Board meetings and hearings and in court.

2022_12_Solicitations/RFP_Legal_Services_BDDB_Final_23-29-P 5.2MB

Questions_and_Answers_–_Legal_Services_for_BDDD_–_RFP_23-29-P_Version_1.pdf 67KB