Supplemental Reports

Click here to read the City of Santa Fe Affordable Housing Site Feasibility Study by Wilson and Co.


Required Planning Documents

HUD Required Planning Documents. Several planning documents and reports are required to be submitted to HUD. The Consolidated Plan is a 5-year plan that identifies housing and community needs, priorities, goals, and strategies. The plan outlines how funds (including federal, state, and local) will be allocated to housing and community development activities. The Annual Action Plan is submitted annually and describes how funds will be used for the upcoming fiscal year (July 1st through June 30th). The CAPER re-evaluates projects after the end of the fiscal year. An amendment is submitted when an activity is funded that is substantially different than described in the Annual Action Plan.

2024 CAPER

2023-2028 Consolidated Plan Executive Summary

2023-2028 Plan Consolidado Resumen Ejecutivo

2023-2028 Consolidated Plan

2022-23 Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report


2024-25 CDBG Annual Action Plan

2024-25 CDBG Annual Action Plan Executive Summary – English

2024-25 CDBG Annual Action Plan Executive Summary – Spanish


MFA Required Planning Documents. This document is prepared for the NM Mortgage Finance Authority to ensure the City of Santa Fe’s compliance with the NM Affordable Housing Act. The plan contains a housing needs analysis, land use review, and recommendations for increasing access to affordable housing in Santa Fe.

Five Year Strategic Housing Plan Draft

2017 Affordable Housing Strategic Plan