Total results: 6764.
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Prospective Candidate Sign-Up Request Received
Prospective Candidate Sign-Up Request Received
Office of Economic Development Committees
Office of Economic Development Committees
Compensation Increase and Term Extension
Compensation Increase and Term Extension
Compensation Increase, term extension #23-0602
Compensation Increase, term extension #23-0602
Compensation Increase, term extension #24-0349
Compensation Increase, term extension #24-0349
Compensation Increase, term extension #23-0090
Compensation Increase, term extension #23-0090
Compensation Increase term extension Item #23-0091
Compensation Increase term extension Item #23-0091
Changes to compensation schedule Item #22-0447
Changes to compensation schedule Item #22-0447
Amendment No. 1 Compensation Increase
Amendment No. 1 Compensation Increase
Compensation Decrease Amendment No. 1
Compensation Decrease Amendment No. 1
City’s trademarked Tourism Related
City’s trademarked Tourism Related
The Metropolitan Redevelopment Agency
The Metropolitan Redevelopment Agency
Compensation Increase and Term Extension
Compensation Increase and Term Extension
DFA Fund 89200 Capital Appropriation Project Grant Agreement
DFA Fund 89200 Capital Appropriation Project Grant Agreement
DFA Fund 89200 Capital Appropriation Project
DFA Fund 89200 Capital Appropriation Project
DFA Fund 89200 Capital Appropriation Project
DFA Fund 89200 Capital Appropriation Project
Amendment No. 3 to Item #23-0011 Living Wage Ordinance
Amendment No. 3 to Item #23-0011 Living Wage Ordinance
On-call General/Mechanical Services Contract
On-call General/Mechanical Services Contract
On-call General/Mechanical Services Contract
On-call General/Mechanical Services Contract
On-call General/Mechanical Services Contract
On-call General/Mechanical Services Contract
Amendment No. 1 Agreement-Changes to Scope/Compensation Increase
Amendment No. 1 Agreement-Changes to Scope/Compensation Increase