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On May 8th, 2019, the governing body adopted Resolution 2019-24, establishing a Women's Commission to identify opportunities to improve the City of Santa Fe programs and policies and to strengthen the quality of life of women and girls in Santa Fe so that they can thrive, personally and professionally. The Women's Commission is comprised of seven members and two alternates residing in the City of Santa Fe. 


The vision of the Women's Commission is to ensure that women and girls in the City of Santa Fe, regardless of gender identity or expression, are empowered and leveraged to achieve their full potential, one that celebrates and values the rich diversity and intersectionality of our community. 

Please note that the definition of "women" or "women and girls" as it relates to the resolution shall consistently include and refer to women and girls, transgender women and girls, self-identifying women and girls, and gender non-conforming individuals.



The mission of the Women's Commission is to advance gender equity in social, health, environmental, economic, and political systems in the City of Santa Fe in order for women and girls to thrive personally and professionally. The Commission's work will use an intersectional lens that centers on historical injustices, diverse voices, and the lived experiences of women and girls to guide its work. The Commission will identify opportunities to improve the City of Santa Fe's policies and programs and will work in collaboration with community advocates ad organizations to identify community needs and inform its work. 


Women's Commission Strategic Plan 2021 - English

Women's Commission Strategic Plan 2021 - Spanish 


Commission Members


Gloria Martinez, Chair

Elais Ponton

Gabriela Schwenker, Vice Chair

Olivia Sloan

Sheila Vaughn


Featured New Mexico Women

Nina Otero-Warren, New Mexico suffragist and educator, to appear on U.S quarter.




Sophie Andar
Youth and Family Services Program Manager – Violence Prevention



The Santa Fe Women's Commission meets on the second Tuesday of each month from 5:30-7:30 pm. Currently, meetings are exclusively virtual on Zoom.

Click here for Zoom links, meeting agendas, and other materials.