Design and engineering of Paseo del Sol Extension from its current western terminus at Jaguar Drive east to the Paseo del Sol/Herrera Drive roundabout, to be performed according to the Tierra Contenta Phase 3 Master Plan Amendment approved by the Governing Body in October 2021. The design effort includes the following elements:
- Paseo del Sol extension and associated Paseo del Sol Loop roadways to include two travel lanes, bicycle lanes, and ADA-compliant sidewalks
- Utilities - water, sewer, and dry utilities
- Drainage improvements, including Drainage Study update
- Streetscape landscaping
- Street lighting
- Surveying - topography and right-of-way dedication plat
- Traffic Impact Analysis update
- Geotechnical Investigation
- Archaeology update
- Design Standards (roadway typology and associated development guidelines)
- Early Neighborhood Notification Meeting: December 15, 2022. Click here to view the presentation.
- Project Accomplishments to Date: Construction Documents are 90% complete.
- Target Completion Dates: Plans will be 100% complete Q1 2025.