Contact the City Santa Fe Fire Marshal's Office

P.O. Box 909
1751 Cerrillos Road
Santa Fe, NM 87504-0909



Monday-Friday 8 am to 5 pm
Closed from noon to 1 pm

City of Santa Fe Fire Department 

The Fire Prevention Division Oversees the following activities:

The Fire Marshal's Office is responsible for reviewing new and existing building inspections, fire investigations, code enforcement, plan reviews, fire suppression/detection system inspections, and public education. The Fire Marshal acts as the Fire Code Official for the City of Santa Fe and oversees the full-time Fire Inspector and Fire Investigation staff.


Used fire extinguishers can be brought to the Buckman Road Recycling and Transfer Station on Fridays and Saturdays. It is located at 2600 Buckman Rd, Santa Fe, NM 87507. You can also find many local businesses that will service your extinguisher by doing a quick internet search for “Fire Extinguisher Servicing.”

The EMNRD issues statewide regulations. If you live within a municipality that controls open burning, local permits or more stringent regulations may apply. The City of Santa Fe requires a Burn Permit for open burn fires. Click on the titles below for more information.

Burn Permit Application in English     Burn Permit Application in Spanish 

Members of the Santa Fe Fire Department want to remind everyone that only certain kinds of fireworks can be used within the City limits. 

Safe and sane fireworks are all fireworks that have no report. In other words, they do not make a ‘bang,’ are not self-propelling, and their display does not extend above fifteen feet in height from the ground.  

Fireworks approved for use within the City limits are sold with an approved permit and from a store with a permanent structure at a recognized business location.  The City Ordinance does not permit the sale of fireworks from a fireworks tent or stand. 

The City of Santa Fe recommends always following the manufacturers' guidelines for all smoke alarm installation. 

Any changes to a building's use or occupancy need to be permitted by the Land Use Department. These changes need to follow the International Fire Code (IFC) 2021. Any plans will need to be prepared by a registered design professional per Section 104.8.2 of the IFC 2021 in order to be submitted to the Fire Marshal’s Office. At this point, the Fire Marshal’s Office will review the plans to ensure it meets IFC 2021.

All fire hydrants within the city of Santa Fe are inspected annually (usually summertime). All issues found with any fire hydrants are sent to the city water division for repairs. Inspections of all fire hydrants include flushing, static pressure testing, draining, overall operation, and  access.