Development Review Application Process
The City’s development review process has been established to ensure that new development complies with all applicable City codes while responding to Santa Fe’s unique history, character, and environment.
Submittal Requirements
Click here to see Chapter 14 Land Development Code Article 14-3 Review and Approval Procedures
General submittal requirements apply to all projects that require review and action by City Staff, Land Use Boards, and/or City Council and may be modified at the discretion of the Land Use Director based on the size and scope of the project.
Review procedures are outlined in Article 14-3, Review and Approval Procedures of the City Land Development Code.
A submittal checklist is included with each application and is updated and amended from time to time. The most current and updated applications and forms are available on the City’s website. Specific submittal requirements for subdivisions, annexations, rezonings, and development plans will be reviewed with the applicant during their required pre-application conference.
At a minimum, every submittal should consist of each of the following:
- Letter of Intent: Project narrative clearly describing the proposed project;
- Legal Lot of Record: see Legal Lot of Record | City of Santa Fe ( ;
- Existing conditions site plan: on the site and within 200 feet of the site;
- Proposed project plans: plans must clearly demonstrate that City Code requirements and design standards have been met;
- Other documents include but are not limited to, completed application forms, responses to approval criteria, proof of ownership, ENN notes, and notice requirements (as applicable).
Submittal Procedures
For applications that require review and approval by a Land Use Board and/or the City Council, the City accepts new development applications on the second Monday of the month by close of business. Currently, the City accepts applications that qualify for administrative review on a rolling basis.
All applications are fillable PDFs. Please complete your application online and submit it with the required submittals to For larger sets of documents, we accept applications via a file transfer link to (e.g., Dropbox or Sharepoint).
Submittals must be organized and saved with unique and descriptive file names identifying the street address and submittal item, such as:
- 505 Santa Fe Drive Lot Split Application
- 505 Santa Fe Drive Letter of Intent
- 505 Santa Fe Drive Legal Lot of Record
- 505 Santa Fe Drive Existing Conditions
- 505 Santa Fe Drive Proposed Site Plan
Incomplete or inaccurate applications will be returned without processing. Application fees will be assessed and invoiced upon acceptance of the application and will not be refunded if the application is rescinded, amended, or denied. You may pay development fees online or in person at the Cashier’s Office at City Hall.
Click here to review the City’s adopted development fee tables.
Development Application Forms