Additional FY 2022 Accomplishments
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From Our Mayor
Overall, 2022 was a year of purpose and progress for the City of Santa Fe. We’ll always have more work to do; making life better for all of the people of our community is both unending and endlessly rewarding. We can all look back at last year and see how we made a difference. We’re on the right path, with the right people and the right agenda, and we can see both how far we’ve come and what more we need to focus on.
I’m a “lists” guy. It’s how I reflect on how far we’ve come. With that, I offer you two lists, each of 10 accomplishments in 2022. The first is a “Top 10 List”: Ten significant and noteworthy achievements that deserve to be recognized. The second is a list of “Ten Really Important Accomplishments That You Probably Never Heard Of.” This list consists of achievements that are of major significance—but that would likely go unreported. They just help us do our work better, smarter, more effectively, and more efficiently. I look forward to 2023 and another year of progress and achievement for the city we all love.
Mayor Alan Webber
City of Santa Fe Top 10 List
- Renovated and re-opened the beloved Bicentennial Pool for community use—and kept it open as long as possible past the usual summer season.
- Opened Santa Fe’s first Downtown Public Restroom for use by residents and visitors. Only 400 years in the making!
- Built the Southside Teen Center.
- Completed the first-year pilot project of the Mayors for a Guaranteed Income (MGI), providing $400 per month to 100 hardworking Santa Fe families attending the Santa Fe Community College. This is how we break the cycle of generational poverty and build real opportunities for every young family in our community.
- Provided more than $3 million for housing assistance to low- and medium-income Santa Fe families.
- Approved 3,554 new housing units, including 185 affordable units, with another 2,572 units in the pipeline, including 435 affordable units. We are working to address our housing crisis.
- Supported a record rebound in tourists coming to Santa Fe and reviving our economy. Our Lodger’s Tax revenues hit an all-time high. Let’s celebrate: People love coming to Santa Fe!
- Completed the year-long CHART process, with 52 recommendations pending for Governing Body consideration and a path forward to resolve long-standing concerns over diversity, equity, inclusivity, and accessibility.
- Updated and completely renovated and relaunched the City’s website, the first modernization of the “front door to the City” in 15 years.
- Approved the zone change and Master Plan for the Midtown redevelopment with a unanimous vote of the Governing Body—and promptly issued the first 3 RFPs to open the site for redevelopment.
10 Really Important Accomplishments You Probably Never Heard Of
- Accomplished the required redistricting of Santa Fe successfully and without controversy; the required Charter Commission has been appointed and begun its work.
- Moving forward with the MUNIS upgrade as planned, with a “go live” date scheduled for January 27th, bringing a major improvement to the City’s operating platform.
- Partnered with 33 organizations as part of the City-wide “Big Read” program; Santa Feans across the community read and discussed There There by Tommy Orange, IAIA alum and Pulitzer Prize nominee.
- Launched a second Alternative Response Unit, bringing coverage to 70 hours per week to help people who are experiencing homelessness or who are in distress.
- Added 14 lateral officers and 7 cadets, reducing Santa Fe Police Department vacancies to the lowest in 5 years, with more officers and cadets coming our way.
- Proposed and passed a City budget with an 8% salary increase for all City employees and a 16% increase for police officers, with an added incentive of a $750,000 pilot project for down payment assistance so first responders can buy a home and live in the city they protect and serve.
- Initiated an update of the City’s General Plan and the Chapter 14 zoning code, the first revisions in more than 20 years.
- Finalized the contract to begin engineering studies for the San Juan Chama Return Flow project, an investment in Santa Fe’s water future.
- Allocated $535,000 for investments in cultural projects and community art projects, continuing the City’s tradition of art and culture as our heritage.
- Made major progress on the City’s sustainability goals: We reduced City water use by 2 million gallons per year; turned on 1.5 megawatts of solar energy on City buildings and facilities; reduced energy use by 60% with the LED street-light conversion project.
City Attorney
- Created IPRA Manager position to lead the Office of Records Custodians and improve response to the 600-800 IPRAs received per month
- Created a Policy Analyst position to join the Office of Legislation and Policy Innovation and provide more comprehensive policy research and drafting services
- Advised and assisted the Office of Economic Development and Planning and Land Use Department on the Midtown Rezoning General Plan Amendment, Master Plan, and Community Development Plan
- Drafted and adopted new Governing Body and Council Committee procedural rules
- Trained all supervisors regarding progressive discipline best practices; reviewed 102 disciplinary action documents and 17 Internal Affairs investigations
- Obtained positive New Mexico Court of Appeals opinions in the two cases with opinions received from the Court this year: the Santa Fe Reporter IPRA case and a DWI conviction
- Developed an Outreach Court with the Municipal Court and the City’s Public Defender
- Obtained admission to the US Supreme Court for one of the Senior Assistant City Attorneys and received favorable results in the City’s petitions against certiorari in that Court, defending favorable outcomes in the federal Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals
Constituent Services answered an average of 1,450 calls per month, over 17,000 calls a year, and received and processed 5,678 Constituent requests through the online portal.
City Clerk/Community Engagement
- Launched a new ADA-certified City Website after nearly 15 years
- Created a centralized Communication Team
- Created and filled Web Content Specialist Position
- Launched and completed Shopping Cart Pilot
- Completed Language Accessibility Study
- Reviewed the entire Records Center – over 5,000 boxes of documents
- Redesigned the Senior Scene Magazine for monthly print and email distribution
- Utilized social media to create a reach of over 300,000
- Launched City Instagram account, a total reach of 33,533, and grew the Facebook account to over 14k followers with a reach of 286,279
- Sent over 672,533 direct emails to constituents
- Collaborated with the Finance Department and the City Attorney’s Office for a new process to execute contracts with electronic signatures
- Coordinated and hosted 17 events for constituents, including Santa Fe Summer Movie Series, Easter Egg Hunt, Touch the Truck, Holiday Plaza Lighting, and more
- Designated Department Liaison for the Independent Citizen’s Redistricting Commission, with the adoption of new council districts
- Created hybrid meetings plan for Council Committees and Governing Body, with public participation via Zoom
- Reduced department vacancy rate from 60% to 9%
- Reclassified two positions and hired four new Constituent Services staff members, doubling capacity
- Constituent Services answered an average of 1450 calls per month, over 17,000 calls a year, and received and processed 5,678 Constituent requests through the online portal
- The City of Santa Fe, across all departments, resolved 90.23% of all submitted online requests
Community & Economic Development
Arts & Culture
- Completed Cultural, History, Art, Reconciliation, and History (CHART) Final Report and Recommendations following a 12-month process of community engagement
- Launched Ojos Diferentes, an augmented reality walking tour highlighting cultural history and heritage through the City Historian program
- Reopened the Community Gallery to the public with two exhibitions- Brick X Brick: Artworks Inspired by Earthen Architecture and Neon & Chrome: The Visual Vocabulary of Route 66
- Installed five new permanent artworks and two temporary artworks at various locations in the community: Community Convention Center, Southside Library, Municipal Recreation Complex, and the Water Street Restroom Facility
- Worked with Parks and Open Space Division to install and dedicate the Keith Haring Fitness Court at SWAN Park
- Hosted the 30th Annual Mayor’s Award for Excellence in the Arts event honoring past and current awardees
- Worked with youth to create public murals at Salvador Perez Pool and Genoveva Chavez Community Center
- Created, produced, and released Phase 2 of “Femous,” a promotional marketing campaign encouraging cultural tourism by promoting living cultural assets in Santa Fe
- Developed and implemented a gallery program on-site at the GCCC in partnership with the Recreation Division
- Worked with the Santa Fe Public Library and local volunteers to install an horno at the Southside Library
- The Cultural Investment Funding Program budget increased to $535,000 with awards to 36 organizations in Santa Fe
Oversaw $3,134,913 in housing support funding
Office of Affordable Housing
- Oversaw $3,134,913 in funding to support housing services for low- and moderate-income families in Santa Fe including:
- $648,500 invested in down payment assistance, helping 34 households
- $1,227,171 invested in emergency shelter, hotel stays, and rental assistance, helping 736 families and individuals
- $969,647 invested in support services and non-congregate shelter for families experiencing homelessness or housing instability, helping 1,005 households
- $289,595 invested in home repair and rehabilitation, improving 104 homes for renters and homeowners
- Santa Fe Homes Program resulted in:
- 29 income-qualified homebuyers buying newly constructed, price-restricted homes
- 110 brand new apartments completed and leased to income-qualified tenants
- 98 price-restricted homeownership homes currently under construction or approved for building permits
- 143 affordable homes currently approved for future construction
Office of Economic Development
- Received approval on Midtown Master Plan and issued the first round of RFPs to reactivate the site for future development
- Passed Midtown Redevelopment Resolution
- Completed second round of Midtown Redevelopment public engagement to create a Community Development Plan
- Installed free public Wi-Fi in highly vulnerable Southside neighborhood location
- Completed Vexus Fiber Franchise Agreement for City-wide broadband
- Received Earth Traveler and Beck & Bulow LEDA Business Expansion Grants and Siler/Rufina Nexus Urban Main Street Corridor Grant
- Promoted nearly 30 Small Business Social Capital Building and Resiliency Projects through sponsored ecosystem partner events, webinars, and activations
- Accelerated over 20 startup businesses through various business acceleration programs (Creative Startups, Santa Fe Innovates)
- Launched Southside Feria event with the Santa Fe Chamber of Commerce
- Promoted the first “40 under 40” Leadership Awards with the Santa Fe Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
- Completed licensing on over five tv/film productions at Garson Studios
- Processed an estimated 500 new business licenses
Approved 3,554 total housing units, including 185 affordable units.
Planning & Land Use
- Executed contract for Phase 1 of the Land Development Code update, the first update in almost 20 years
- Approved 3,554 total housing units, including 185 affordable units
- Approval is pending for an additional 2,572 total housing units, including 435 affordable units
- Processed 164 zoning verification letters to date, including 19 for commercial cannabis
Building Division
- Ensured stable permitting operations with flexible permit intake options, pre-permit conferences, and the development of a 3rd-party plan review program
- Processed 5,314 Building permits
- Brought in $4,746,730.85 in permit fees
- Permitted 161 new single-family residences and 28 ADUs
- Permitted 450 Solar projects
- Permitted 379 multifamily units and two multifamily projects
- Completed 1,431 residential reviews
- Completed 1,398 commercial reviews
- Completed 376 green reviews
Engineering Division
- Implemented a comprehensive Infrastructure Completion Policy for all major city construction projects
- Developed and implemented Cold Weather Concrete plan requirements
- Hired and trained a new Planner Technician
- Reviewed and approved construction plans for 17 major developments
- Actively monitored, inspected, and approved all phases of 82 major infrastructure construction projects
Inspections & Enforcement Division
- Implemented updated Junk Vehicle ordinance and process refinements to enforcement procedures
- Used and refined Host Compliance and Air B&B software to efficiently enforce the Short-Term Rental Ordinance
- Developed Building Code Compliance Inspections protocols to manage complaints, violations, and investigations related to buildings and structures
- Completed 17,388 building permit inspections
- Over eight new multifamily projects ranging from 150-250 units have been completed or are near completion
- Processed 677 code compliance cases
- Completed 17,388 building permit inspections
- Zoning issued 1,275 certificates of compliance for new businesses
- 1,253 Permits for short-term rentals issued – 991 are currently in use for residential, 210 for commercial
Historic Preservation Division
- Certified Local Government Grant approved and funded to support Main Library renovation
- Worked on CLG grant to develop Historic Santa Fe Foundation Walking Tour App
Record levels of lodger’s tax collections driven by the full recovery of the tourism industry in Santa Fe.
Tourism Department
- Record levels of lodger’s tax collections driven by a full recovery of the tourism industry in Santa Fe
- Ranked by the Travel & Leisure Reader’s Choice poll as the #3 city destination in the US.
- Ranked by the Conde Nast Traveler Reader’s Choice Awards as the #3 “Best Small Cities in the US.”
- Ranked by Travel & Leisure/Money. UK study as the #7 “Best Destination for Art Lovers in the World”
- Opened visitor information center at the new Water Street facility
- Launched VisitWidget, an interactive trip planning tool to allow visitors to craft their own personal itineraries while in Santa Fe
- Re-landscaped space behind dog sculpture on Federal Place side of CCC and installed new Hip and Hop rabbit sculptures by Don Kennell
- Produced a new Dining Guide for the City
- Partnered with SWAIA for their Centennial Celebration, hosting eight art/fashion/travel journalists, earning 98,132,956 media impressions, a value of $654,219
- Co-managed and launched a new weekend-long Día de Muertos celebration on the plaza with Kiwanis
- Worked with Santa Fe Wine and Chile for Chile Friday celebration featuring the Santa Fe Margarita Trail
- 31,145 Margarita Trail passports sold as of October 2022
- Orchestrated new joint marketing promotion with Albuquerque to encourage visitation in both cities
- Won two industry Top Hat Awards for earned media and joint marketing efforts with Albuquerque
- Continued free virtual Santa Fe Marketplace for Santa Fe retailers with 90 participating businesses
- Hosted successful Plaza Summer Music Series with 50 shows throughout the summer
- Held first Santa Fe Literary Festival with community partners and headline authors, including John Grisham, Colson Whitehead, Margaret Atwood, as well as our own George RR Martin and Hampton Sides
Community Health & Safety
Community Services
- Launched the 2022 Big Read program in partnership with the NEA/Arts Midwest and 33 community partners, hosting 58 programs with 2,777 attendees and distributing 1900 books to students and community members, including 600 copies to Santa Fe Indian School students
- Staff participated in the Building a Network of Museums and Libraries for School and Readiness Project to reach underserved, Spanish-speaking families and presented at the National Association of the Education of Young Children Conference (NAEYC) in Washington, DC.
- Served the community with vital services totaling 264,966 visits, 24,877 computer sessions, 1,058,657 wireless sessions, and circulating 664,202 items
- 336 Children’s/Young Adult Programs served 7,987 children and youth, and 208 multigenerational programs served 6,907 community members
Senior Services
- 2,282 senior citizens enrolled in Senior Services
- 7,204 rides provided by the Transportation Program
- 1,841 nutritious hot meals served via two congregate meal sites, 171,710 meals delivered by Meals on Wheels to homebound seniors, and 41,729 Grab-N-Go meals served at the MEG
- $4,800 in assistance was provided to grandparents raising grandchildren
- 10,492 hours of tutoring/mentoring provided to children in public schools and Head Starts by Foster Grandparents program
- 30,088 hours provided by RSVP volunteers to address local needs
- 20,357 hours of assistance and friendship provided to adults who have difficulty with daily tasks by Senior Companion volunteers, allowing them to remain independent in their homes
- Served 511 youth with a summer program and provided 73 jobs for teens and young adults
- Reopened renovated Bicentennial Pool and improved condition of other facilities by re-plastering Leisure Pool at GCCC, renovating Chemical Storage Rooms at Aquatic sites, renovating pool boiler and heating systems, completing roof projects, and installing Wi-Fi zones and LED lighting at Fort Marcy and Salvador Perez Centers
- Launched new biking, hiking, and pickleball programs and re-established Junior Volleyball, Junior Basketball, Adult Volleyball, Adult Basketball, Youth Hockey, Adult Hockey, Youth Indoor Soccer, and Adult Indoor Soccer leagues as COVID-19 restrictions relaxed
Youth & Family Services
- Contributed to a joint city-county resolution to resolve homelessness and hosted a successful town hall on solutions for homelessness with over 200 participants
- Recruited and hired a Community Violence Prevention program manager who completed an actionable five-year plan to work on community violence projects
- The Human Services Committee funded $3.87 million in contracts, over a three-year period, for 16 non-profit agencies that offer community services to address unmet health and social needs of Santa Feans
- CONNECT assisted 9,088 people with access to food, housing, utilities, transportation, interpersonal safety, and behavioral health resources
- CONNECT leadership and staff lead conversations with statewide partners to explore the possibility of expanding the CONNECT Accountable Health Community model across the state
Emergency Management
- Facilitated mobile COVID-19 testing operations, administering over 35,000 tests at five locations in the city, with two-hour rapid PCR testing and vaccination operations at Midtown
- Conducted 7,100 tests and administered approximately 2,500 vaccines over four months
- Assisted HR with tracking employee COVID-19 vaccination status using VEOCI software
- Facilitated distribution of over 10,000 COVID-19 antigen tests for the public and staff
- Implemented an Active Shooter training program for city staff
- Conducted full-scale exercise with 64th Civilian Support Team, SF Fire Department, and SF Police Department to prepare for acts of terrorism involving hazardous materials
- Implemented effective Code Blue protocol to prevent hypothermia deaths among unsheltered people
Fire Department
- Hired 15 Firefighter Trainees for the 35th Cadet Academy and on-boarded 6 lateral hires
- Implemented ImageTrend software to better track patient demographics, care, and outcomes
- Launched a second Alternate Response Unit (ARU) 2 days a week, bringing coverage to 70 hours per week
- Utilized CM Mobile in the field, allowing crews to document vital information and all billing instantly
- Ordered an Aircraft Rescue Fire Fighting (ARFF) Truck to support future airport operations.
- Replaced all LifePacks to better support cardiac patients
- Replaced 95% of all battery-operated tools, achieving greater energy efficiency
- Replaced Engine 1, Rescue 3, and Medic 6
- Completed Community Risk Assessment for future strategic planning and policy
Police Department on-boarded 14 experienced Lateral Police Officers and 7 Police Cadets, reducing total vacancies to the lowest in over five years.
Police Department
- On-boarded 14 experienced Lateral Police Officers and 7 Police Cadets, reducing total vacancies to the lowest in over five years.
- Purchased and deployed 23 Hybrid Police Interceptor units to the fleet
- Entered a 5-year contract with Axon to provide body-worn cameras, in-car cameras, interview room cameras, less lethal Taser devices, empathy training devices, and all associated equipment and software to manage provided devices
- Minimum officer staffing in the Patrol Section was increased to 66 officers, making more officers available to respond to service calls
- Created and implemented a new operational plan for the Zozobra and Fiesta events, resulting in the largest Zozobra event to date, with zero criminal incidents reported inside the venue and zero reported motor vehicle collisions
- The Special Victims Unit increased its case solvability rate to 54%, an increase of 21%
- The Property Crimes Unit generated a 43% solvability rate, which is well above the national average of 19%.
Human Resources
- Implemented an 8% salary increase approved by Governing Body for all employees and 16% for certified police officers
- Implemented hiring and retention incentives approved by Governing Body to improve and maintain staffing levels
- Hosted job fairs and rapid hire events
- Finalized City of Santa Fe Flexible Work Arrangement Policy
- Partnered with Santa Fe Community College to offer employees training in Excel, Word, and Leadership Skills
- Provided several healthy lifestyle opportunities for employees, including training, fitness challenges, wellness webinars, and healthy food bags
Information Technology
- Leading upgrade of ERP Tyler Munis application to improve payment processing, vendor management, and more
- Led EnerGov upgrade to version 2021.1.4.17, provided training and documentation to users
- Successfully completed moving old and outdated City Hall server AS400 to DoIT datacenter with updated equipment and security, as well as power redundancy
- Completed E911 software integration into the city’s phone system to identify a 911 caller’s location
- Implementing re-routing of RECC core to NM DoIT core to improve public safety, first responder’s safety, radio coverage and creating useful redundancy in the system
- Implemented Multifactor Authentication (MFA) and 14-character passphrases for all city network users
- Implemented Arctic Wolf Cyber Security application to monitor network traffic for any irregularities suggesting a cyberattack on the City of Santa Fe
Public Utilities
Water Division
- Achieved 100% regulatory and legal compliance
- Received $6M+ in Federal funding from the US Bureau of Reclamation Title XVI
- Selected firm and finalized contract for San Juan Chama Return Flow Project Engineering Design
- Increased customer use of Eye on Water water usage monitoring system by 6 percent over two years
Utility Billing Division
- Upgrading 20-year-old billing system to a new advanced billing system on target for completion May 2023
- Reinstituted full collection activities, initially paused due to COVID-19, to reduce accounts receivables owed to the City of Santa Fe
- Delivered monthly intent-to-lien letters and collected on most accounts before lien placement:
- Through October 2022, there were 587 letters delivered, 102 liens placed, 485 liens avoided, with an average collection rate of 83% - $341K collected
- Assisted account holders with applications to the State of NM for utility bill payment funding
- Adopted temporary variance to allow payment arrangements for tenants with overdue accounts
- Filled vacant positions: 4 Account Specialists, 2 Customer Service Representatives, and 1 Administrative Assistant
- Processed 249 leak adjustments and 467 Low-Income Credit adjustments on customer accounts
Environmental Services Division
- Implemented Residential and Commercial route optimizations and Residential collection day changes to improve operational efficiency and sustainability
- Keep Santa Fe Beautiful completed pollinator gardens and commissioned artwork in MLK park
- Designated “Green Bank” funding for residential solar and weatherization efforts for low-to-moderate-income households
Wastewater Management Division
- Implemented plant process flow diagrams for the new SCADA system.
- Improved Division-wide Records Management and Data Management systems
- Sustained and updated the in-house access database log entry system to maintain the City’s sewer collections system records
Industrial Pretreatment Section (IP):
- Submitted Technically Based Local Limit (TBLL) packet to EPA for approval, received informal approval
- Provided classroom instruction to the New Mexico Water and Wastewater Association (NMWWA) as part of a continuing educational outreach program required by state licensing for Operators
- Assisted with inspections for Facility’s Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan
Plant (Operations & Maintenance) Section:
- Treated 1.75 billion gallons of raw sewage
- Implemented best management practices for stormwater and reused 356 million gallons of treated effluent for irrigation and dust control
- Developed and implemented career training and employee development training program
- Made 2300 cubic yards of compost available to customers
- Transferred sludge to landfill sites with the closure of injection fields covered by DP-135
- Completed all compliance testing in accordance with NPDES, DP-289, DP-135 Closure plan, and SWPP Permits, as well as all other required process control testing
- Converted to daily sampling from three times weekly in the new NPDES permit requirements.
Purchased 18 electric vehicles for the city fleet and installed electric vehicle charging stations at public parking garages.
Public Works
- Installed 1.5 megawatts of solar on 13 City and Utility facilities and updated fixtures to reduce City’s water use by 2,000,000 gallons per year
- Converted City-owned streetlights to LED, improving dark sky protection, reliability, and safety with a 60% reduction in energy use
- Completed several stormwater improvements, including trash racks at Camino Crucitas and St. Francis, a culvert at Santander, an additional phase of the Santa Fe Riverbank stabilization project, and raingarden on East Alameda, protecting quality and ensuring MS4 permit compliance
- 20% of traffic signal control cabinets were upgraded with battery backup retrofitting to increase safety and reliability
- Completed a $1M pavement rehabilitation project on Cerrillos Road
- Successfully operated and maintained roads transferred in 2022 from NMDOT to the City, including Cerrillos Road and St Michael’s Drive
- Airport Road and St Francis Signal Timing Study and implementation completed to improve traffic flow and safety
- Completed three critical traffic-calming projects in Calle Atajo, Camino Pintores, and Calle Nueva Vista
- Conducted Safe Routes to Schools project
- Managed 16 road and trail projects to improve Santa Fe’s transportation network, an estimated $80M value
- Began construction on Guadalupe Street Reconstruction and Bridge Rehabilitation, including a $10M grant from NMDOT, and started work on the Agua Fria South Meadows Intersection
- Completed Camino Entrada Roundabout ($2M) to support business growth and Southside Transit Center
- Implemented a successful Park Ranger proactive patrolling model, improving security and homeless management in parks
- Completion of the $1.25M renovations to the Bicentennial Pool
- Completed Herb Martinez and Larragoite Tennis Court reconstruction projects
- Built the Southside Teen Center project at $10M
- Completed MRC Soccer Valley Field adjustments and lighting repairs
- Railyard Park $425K renovation included repairs to the climbing and slide structures and replacing 40 wood-block benches
- Issued permits for a record of 315 private and community events
- Planned Santa Fe Southern Railway relaunch through a historic partnership with the Santa Fe Railyard
- Completed $2M Design and Build of the new Downtown Restroom Facility and the successful first season of operations
- Commenced a $1.65M historic rehabilitation project for the Santa Fe Train Depot interior and exterior to revitalize the historic structure and cultural landmark in the city
- Partnered with the Lensic to implement a prepaid parking system to eliminate exiting delays
- Implemented Capital Projects Dashboard for public information about capital projects
- Built Capital Projects team with Project Administrators and first Capital Projects Manager as directed in FY22 and FY23 budgets
- Created Complete Streets Division by combining Streets and Engineering Divisions
- Implemented 4 X 10-hour shifts for operational efficiency, employee satisfaction, and customer service
Metropolitan Planning Organization
- Adopted 2022 Complete Streets Resolution by MPO/City and County
- Adopted Santa Fe Local Road Safety Plan sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration
- Assisted the planning and funding for federally funded projects, obligating $6,315,396 dollars for FFY21 and $10,063,486.03 dollars for FFY22
Municipal Courts
- Established an outreach court program with a program coordinator
- Installed Court Security Intercom System
- Upgraded security cameras in and outside the courthouse and secured staff parking lot with gate and fencing
- Implemented a public version of the Court’s case management system